
Manufacture, Supply & Construct

Hot-applied reflective thermoplastic road line markings using screed method provides high visibility and excellent durability on road.

All-weathered high performance thermoplastic (AWT) road markings using spray fusion method ensures high retro-reflectivity for road users at all times especially in wet condition at night.

High skid resistance colour marking using spray fusion method demarcates designated areas (e.g. bus stop) on pavement where the skid resistance both in dry and wet conditions are maintained.

Modern construction methods in pavement resurfacing and full pavement structure reinstatement by advanced technology in pavement resurfacing or full pavement structure reinstatement by a team of highly trained personnel equipped with a complete fleet of sophisticated paving machineries.

Construct general civil engineering works, such as earthworks, slope repair, culvert replacement, drain and kerb construction and so on.